Wednesday 2 September 2015

Air (prevention and control of pollution) act, 1981

Air (prevention and control of pollution) act, 1981

Objectives of this act are:
-Prevention, control and abatement of air pollution
-Maintaining the quality of air
-Establishing boards for prevention and control of air pollution

Important features of this act:
-Central board may lay down standards for quality of air
-Central board coordinates and settles disputes between state boards in addition to providing technical assistance and guidance to state boards
-State boards may lay down standards for emissions of air pollutants from industrial units, automobiles or other sources
-State boards should collect and disseminate information related to air pollution and function as inspectorates of air pollution
-State boards should examine manufacturing process and pollution control equipment to verify if they meet standards prescribed.
-State board can advise the state government to declare heavily polluted areas as pollution control areas and advise avoidance of burning waste products that can increase air pollution.
-The directions of central board are mandatory on state boards.
-Operation of Industrial unit is prohibited in heavily polluted areas without the consent of the central board.
-Violation of this law is punishable with imprisonment a term which may extend to three months or fine upto Rs. 10,000 or both.

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